Here's a list with useful commands. Remember you can always use Tab to autocomplete and look through arguments.
Advancement Command[]
Progress of the advancements can be lost or bugged sometimes. To give someone certain advancements you can use the following (vanilla!) commands:
advancement <grant|revoke> <player> <until|from|through> <advancement>
/advancement grant Darkosto from triumph:stage3/root
For granting all the advancements and all the stages:
/advancement grant <player> everything
See also the official Minecraft Wiki.
Pre-generate Dimension Command[]
To avoid world generation lag (for example in The Twilight Forest), you can pre-generate dimensions with a forge command.
/forge gen <x> <y> <z> <chunks> <dimensionid> <delay>
A list of dimension IDs can be found here.
/forge gen ~ ~ ~ 5000 7 20
- The tildes (~) for X Y Z mean that it will generate centered on the coordinates of the player who is invoking the command.
- 5000 chunks in a spiral around the coordinate
- 7 is the dimension id of The Twilight Forest
- 20 is a recommended delay
Here's a clip of Darkosto himself explaining it.
Retrieve your grave Command (pre 3.2.3)[]
Warning: Due to the replacement of the tombstone mod (Tomb Many Graves before 3.1.0, Corail's Tombstone before 3.2.3) with Simple Tombs, the following is no longer possible.
It can happen that the grave block is destroyed (usually by the hydra or Shoggoth Acid). To retrieve your grave and the contents you can use the one of the following commands:
For versions 3.0.8 and lower:
/tmg_restore <player> latest
For versions 3.1.0 to 3.2.3:
/tbrestoreinventory [<player>]
3.0.8 and lower[]
/tmg_restore latest
Restore inventory to self.
/tmg_restore darkosto latest
Restore inventory to a player named darkosto.
3.1.0 to 3.2.3[]
Restore inventory to self.
/tbrestoreinventory darkosto
Restore inventory to a player named darkosto.
NOTE: When teleporting to a player directly, you will crossover to their dimension, no matter which of the following commands are used.
Vanilla Command (no dimension support):
/tp [<target player>] (<destination player>|<x> <y> <z> [<yaw> <pitch>])
Corails Tombstone Command (with dimension support):
/tbteleport [<target player>] (<destination player>|<x> <y> <z> [<dim>]
A list of dimension IDs can be found here.
/tp 0 0 0
Teleport self to coordinate 0, 0, 0. WARNING: This is below bedrock and you will die.
/tp ~ ~ ~
Teleport self to current X, current Y, and current Z. Kind of pointless, but useful to understand for later examples.
/tp ~-10 ~-10 ~
Teleport self to coordinate that is current X - 10, current Y - 10, and current Z. (NOTE: If you teleport into blocks, you will suffocate and die.)
/tp darkosto
Teleport self to a player named darkosto.
/tp darkosto steve
Teleport a player named darkosto to a player named steve.
/tbteleport 0 0 0 0
Teleport self to coordinate 0, 0, 0 in dimension 0 (Overworld). WARNING: This is below bedrock and you will die.
/tbteleport ~ ~ ~ 0
Teleport self to coordinate that is current X, current Y, and current Z in dimension 0 (Overworld).
/tbteleport ~-10 ~-10 ~ 0
Teleport self to coordinate that is current X - 10, current Y - 10, and current Z in dimension 0 (Overworld). (NOTE: If you teleport into blocks, you will suffocate and die.)
/tbteleport ~ ~ ~ 10
Teleport self to coordinate that is current X, current Y, and current Z in dimension 10 (The Beneath). (NOTE: If you teleport into blocks, you will suffocate and die.)
/tbteleport darkosto
Teleport self to a player named darkosto.
/tbteleport darkosto steve
Teleport a player named darkosto to a player named steve.
Change Server Difficulty[]
(Requires Ops on Server; also works for Local, but it's easier to use the GUI)
/difficulty <level>
Valid values for level:
- 0
- peaceful
- 1
- easy
- 2
- normal
- 3
- hard
/difficulty 0
Sets difficulty to peaceful.
/difficulty peaceful
Also sets difficulty to peaceful.