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In-World Crafting is a Mechanic that involves using the world instead of a Crafting Table. In-World Crafting is used for crafting Ladder Blocks, using the Work Stump, Chopping Block, Grindstone and flaking Flint.

Items Created By In-World Crafting[]

Work Stump[]

The Work Stump is the primary means of crafting in the Stone Age. The player right-clicks on the selected spot with an item in hand, and when the desired pattern is complete, the player right-clicks with a crafting rock in their hand on the table until the item is crafted, This takes five clicks on a MK I Stump and three clicks on a MK II.

You may also hold right click if you dislike spam clicking.

Ladder Blocks[]

Crafting Ladder Blocks requires a Work Blade to be crafted. The player holds shift, then right clicks with the Work Blade until the block is crafted. This only works on stone.

In-World Flaking[]

Flaking Flint requires a hard surface, generally any stone block. With Flint in their hand, the player will left-click until the Flint is flaked. This works with Bone, Sharp Bone and Flaked Flint.

Chopping Block[]

The Chopping Block requires a Log to be placed on it with a right-click, then left-clicked with a Flint Hatchet or any Axe. This produces Wood Planks, and Wood Planks can be placed to create Sticks. The rate isn't constant for hand-powered Chopping Blocks, but it reverts to the Vanilla rate in a Horse-Powered Chopping Block.


The Grindstone requires the Player to right-click with a compatible item in their hand, then holding right-click on any part of the Grindstone. The Grindstone will then produce the desired item. Unlike the Chopping Block, the rate of production remains as stated in NEI.
