SevTech: Ages Wiki

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Advancements are the major form of progression through SevTech: Ages. They guide the player through the game. Some Advancements will be gained regardless of whether or not the Advancement is required. These are generally obtaining materials or technologies for the purpose of advancing through Ages.

The /advancement grant [<player>] (everything|only|through|from|until) (triumph:stage(0-5)|<advancementname>) command can give advancements to the player specified (or self if not specified).

See Ages for specific requirements for each Age.

Normal Advancements (Normal Square Frame) don't move towards aging up necessarily, though they may be indirectly required or help increase productivity. Goal Advancements (Oval Frame) are required to get to the Challenge Advancement (Star-Like or Fancy Square Frame) which when earned, will advance you to the next age.

SevTech: Ages Advancements[]

SevTech: Ages Tutorial[]

Advancement Name Advancement Description Advancement Type Parent Advancement Children Advancements Requirements For Completion Rewards
SevTech: Ages Tutorial Welcome to SevTech: Ages! To complete the tutorial complete the advancement to craft a Work Stump to move into Age Zero Normal N/A "Fibrous Diet",

"It's Too Dangerous to Go Alone"

Start the game None
Fibrous Diet To get started, you'll need to collect Plant Fibers from breaking tall grass. Craft 3 together to get Plant Twine. Sticks can be found on the floor or by trimming some leaves. Normal "SevTech: Ages Tutorial" "Mesh Your Flint" Have at least one Plant Fiber in your inventory Experience
It's Too Dangerous to Go Alone Craft a Flint Hatchet so you can cut down trees Goal "SevTech: Ages Tutorial" "Upgrade!",

"It's Business Time",

"Caveman Hate Tree!",


Have a Flint Hatchet in your inventory Experience
Mesh Your Flint Flint won't drop from breaking gravel. Use the Grass Fiber Mesh in a crafting grid with Gravel to obtain flint consistently. Normal "Fibrous Diet" "Flint Sharpening" Have a Grass Fiber Mesh in your inventory Experience
Upgrade! Upgrade to a Flint Pickaxe! Normal "It's Too Dangerous to Go Alone" "Working for the Weekend",

"Stone Age!"

Have a Flint Pickaxe in your inventory Experience
It's Business Time Left-Click a Bone on a block like Cobblestone or Stone to turn it into a Sharp Bone Normal "It's Too Dangerous to Go Alone" "Spearmint",

"Free Range Hawks"

Have a Sharp Bone in your inventory Experience
Caveman Hate Tree! Punching trees hurts and you won't get wood from using your hands! Use the appropriate tool Goal "It's Too Dangerous to Go Alone" "On the Chopping Block" Break a log (It doesn't have to be with the hatchet) Experience
I HAVE CREATED FIRE Hold a Fire Stick in Each hand and click on a block to create fire Normal "It's Too Dangerous to Go Alone" "Fire!" Have a Whittled Fire Sticks in your inventory Experience,

Whittled Fire Sticks

Flint Sharpening Left-click Flint against a hard rock to create Flaked Flint. Doing the same to Flaked Flint will give you a Flaked Flint Point Normal "Mesh Your Flint" N/A Have a Flaked Flint in your inventory Experience
Working for the Weekend If you want to work, you'll need a work blade. Among many other uses, you may use it to break leaves and rushes quickly Normal "Upgrade!" "Teach A Man To Farm",

"Lost but Now Found"

Have a Flint Work Blade in your inventory Experience
Stone Age! Craft a Stone Pickaxe to upgrade your aresenal Normal "Upgrade!" N/A Have a Stone Pickaxe in your inventory Experience
Spearmint Craft a spear for fishing and ranged combat Normal "It's Business Time" "Spear Fishing" Have a Spear in your inventory Experience
Free Range Hawks Craft a Tomahawk to use a ranged weapon. Note, the recipe needs 1 Flaked Flint Point Normal "It's Business Time" N/A Have a Tomahawk in your inventory Experience
On the Chopping Block Use a log to craft a Chopping Block. Place a Log or Plank n the chopping block and use an Axe to cut it into Planks or Sticks Goal "Caveman Hate Tree!" "I'm Stumped!" Have a Chopping Block in your inventory Experience
Fire! Use some rocks, twine, and sticks to make a fire pit. Use typical fuel items to light it and insert items to be cooked Normal "I HAVE CREATED FIRE" "Hot Grill!" Have a Fire Pit in your inventory Experience
Teach A Man To Farm Learn the basics of farming from a Farmer Villager trade by trading for Farmland. Farmland cannot be tilled by a hoe in age zero, you will need to craft and place it near water. Normal "Working for the Weekend" N/A Trade a Farmer Villager for Farmland Experience
Lost but Now Found Trade for an Antique Atlas map from a Cartographer or Librarian Villager Normal "Working for the Weekend" N/A Have an Empty Antique Atlas in your inventory Experience
Spear Fishing Use your spear or other tools to fish for a tasty meal! Normal "Spearmint" N/A Kill a fish entity Experience
I'm Stumped! No crafting tables yet! Use a Work Stump instead. To craft the items, place them on the table in the correct pattern and use a Crafting Rock to right-click the recipe into existence. When you're finished place the rock in its home at the front of the table Challenge "On the Chopping Block" "Cook It Up",

"Dude Where's My Biome?",

"Grind It",

"A Place to Put My Stuff",

"This is Getting Strainuous",

"Bladder Than Nothing"

Have a Work Stump in your inventory Experience,

Stone Age

Hot Grill! Upgrade your firepit with something a bit more grate. The grill needs a heatsource below it such as a fire to properly cook Normal "Fire!" "reSalt of Your Labors" Have a Stone Grill in your inventory Experience
Cook It Up Use Clay Balls and a Cobblestone Slab to craft a Kiln. Once placed, you'll need to fire the kiln using a heat source below. Once it's fired it can cook items Normal "I'm Stumped!" "Forever Fire"
Dude Where's My Biome? You'll need to seek out Darkland Biomes to continue your journey. Use the Nature's Compass to locate the nearest biome Normal "I'm Stumped!" "Enter the Darklands"
Grind It The Hand Grindstone isn't quick by any means, but it will let you grind stuff up easily Normal "I'm Stumped!" N/A
A Place to Put My Stuff Craft some wood together to make a chest for your things Goal "I'm Stumped!" "Have It Your Way"
This is Getting Strainuous If you cannot locate certain resources from under water, use a Water Strainer Base and insert a Strainer. Each Strainer type has a different loot table. Make sure to check them out! You'll need to craft the Strainer Base and a Dense Survivalist's Strainer to complete the advancement Normal "I'm Stumped!" N/A
Bladder Than Nothing No buckets! Use a Fluid Bladder to craft with Normal "I'm Stumped!" "Barrel of Vadis",

"Leather, Rinse, Repeat"

reSalt of Your Labors Find Salt in Dry Biomes or Riverbeds. You'll need it for food and curing hide Normal "Hot Grill!" N/A
Forever Fire Low Grade Charcoal blocks are a great source of Charcoal and you can light a fire on top that will never go out Normal "Cook It Up" N/A
Enter the Darklands Find and enter a Abyssalcraft dark biome. These biomes exist in colder temperature areas. The world is set up in a logical heatmap meaning hot or cold biomes can be reached by traveling North or South Normal "Dude Where's My Biome?" "Dark Gems"
Storage Upgrade Ditch your old wooden box and upgrade to a nicer Primal Chest! Normal "A Place to Put My Stuff" N/A
Have It Your Way Craft a Wooden Hopper to route your items automatically Goal "A Place to Put My Stuff" "Supersize It!"
Barrel of Vadis Craft a Primal Core Wooden Barrel to hold liquids Normal "Bladder Than Nothing" N/A
Leather, Rinse, Repeat Aquire Leather! Normal "Bladder Than Nothing" "You'll Make a Great Lead-er",

"Out of the Weather",

"Shake, Rattle, and Roll",

"Bed Boys, Bed Boys"

Dark Gems Acquire a Shadow Gem from Shadow Creatures residing in the darklands. Smaller creatures have smaller gems while the larger, more dangerous Shadow Creatures drop full gems Normal "Enter the Darklands" N/A
Supersize It! Is your current Wooden Hopper not cutting it? Craft a Wopper Mk2 to add more functionality! Goal "Have It Your Way" "Flame Grilled Goodness"
You'll Make a Great Lead-er Aquire a lead to herd animals Normal "Leather, Rinse, Repeat" "Horse Power!",

"Don't Saddle For Anything Less"

Out of the Weather Need a place to sleep at home? Craft a Tipi! Normal "Leather, Rinse, Repeat" N/A
Shake, Rattle, and Roll Craft the Rattle, Flute, and Drum needed for Totemic Ceremonies. This advancement will give you a Totempedia. Consult the book for how to preform Totemic Ceremonies and other information Normal "Leather, Rinse, Repeat" "Ancient Animals",

"Rite of Spring"

Bed Boys, Bed Boys The Sleeping Mat will allow you to sleep on the go! Make sure to set the correct mode for whether or not you'd like to set your spawn while sleeping Normal "Leather, Rinse, Repeat" N/A
Flame Grilled Goodness A hopper that moves items and keeps blocks above it hot Goal "Supersize It!" "Ace of Melter Base"
Horse Power! Craft a Horse Power Grindstone and attach a horse using alead to automate item grinding. Among Horses you can use Parrots, Buffalo, Pigs, Cows, Llamas, and Wolves to work Normal "You'll Make a Great Lead-er" "Chop! Chop! Chop!"
Don't Saddle For Anything Less Gotta Go Fast! Use a Saddle to travel around much faster Normal "You'll Make a Great Lead-er" "The Wheels on the Bus"
Ancient Animals Buffalo provide valuable resources to hunters. Use a Totemic Ceremony to spawn them. Collect their Hide and Teeth. Consult the Totempedia for more information Normal "Shale, Rattle, and Roll" N/A
Rite of Spring When the Rite of Spring is performed, nearby animals will breed, but only if you drop food on the ground near the totem Normal "Shale, Rattle, and Roll" N/A
Ace of Melter Base You don't have liquid fuel so try solid ones! Craft a Heater to get started. Note, you'll need to match the Melter and Heater types for them to work together. Porcelain will not match the seared version Goal "Flame Grilled Goodness" "Let's Get Down and Melty"
Chop! Chop! Chop! No more chopping wood by hand! Place a Horse Power Chopper, attach a Horse using a lead, and insert items to automatically chop Normal "Horse Power" "Pressing Your Luck"
The Wheels on the Bus Craft the wheel from Astikoor to use on Horse Carts. Use the Astikoor action key to attack horses to carts Normal "Don't Saddle For Anything Less" "Love and Carriage",

"Geared Up For Ratios"

Spooky Boss Battle Summon the boss Baykok via a Totemic Ceremony and defeat him to acquire his powerful bow and unlock ranged combat early Normal "Ancient Animals" N/A
Let's Get Down and Melty Craft a Melter to begin smelting down ores. It will need the matching heater below to work properly Challenge "Ace of Melter Base" N/A
Pressing Your Luck Press charcoal into a larger block using the Horse Power Press Normal "Chop! Chop! Chop! N/A
Love and Carriage Portable storage? Easy mob transportation? Astikor has you covered! Craft a Cart and access its inventory by shift-right clicking, or craft a Transportation Cart to move mobs quickly! Normal "The Wheels on the Bus" N/A
Geared Up For Ratios Use your knowledge of the wheel to make a gear! Normal "The Wheels on the Bus" "Quit Millin' Around"
Quit Millin' Around It's Mill-er time. Craft the Millstone from Better With Mods Normal "Geared Up For Ratios" N/A