3.0.8 has been released on June 9, 2018 for SevTech: Ages.
Important Notes[]
- Molten Fiery liquid has changed. The old liquid is now deprecated and a new one will take over provided by Twilight Forest
Bug Fixes[]
- Fix platinum crushing / etc recipes (#2315)
- Fix wool dying recipe giving 1x output instead of 8x - No, we are not jerks (#2307)
- Adjusted tooltip of Journeymap Token to clarify it needs to be eaten not just obtained (#2291)
- Fix Ore Excavation modifier recipe not working (#2314)
- Fixed some buckets being shown/hidden incorrectly
- Blacklist aspectrus crop from carryon (#2341)
- Adjust fiery sword and pickaxe recipes to be craftable in age 2 (#2288)
- Add a few more entries to book array (#2363)
- Twilight Forest Castle Doors now drop the right item
- Re-remove tiny iron dust recipe (#2298)
- Move Garden Scythe into proper age 3 to match items used in recipe
- Add back Ironberry Juice recipe (#2298)
- Add missing platinum magical crop (#2350)
- Add missing Rope Block decompression recipe (#2379)
- Fixed dupe cocoa bean recipe (#2386)
- Fixed staging on the Unchant Pylon (#2380)
- Fix many logs not working with BWM Sawmill (#2369)
- Add missing recipes for Diamond and Emerald Workblades (#2260)
- Re-add ingot -> dust crushing recipes (#2353)
- Fixed Mantle of Stars Aevitas not giving any hunger/saturation (#2371)
- Fixed Bone dupe when repairing sharp bone in crafting grid (#2358)
- Turned off Better with Mods handling of default Mossy Cobble and Mossy Stone Brick recipes (#2393)
- Fixed dupe bug by Blacklisted Immersive Engineering blocks from the Cyclic Sack of Holding (#2410)
- Fix Arc Furnace bronze alloying giving incorrect output amount (#2334)
- Mining Ilmenite with silk touch will now give the block
- Fix Chisels and Bits chisel recipe to work in 2x2 grid
- Removed ability to put ironbackpacks inside of ironbackpacks (#2402)
- Fixed Parchment advancement not triggering in some situations (#2416)
- Disabled the Uncrafter for good (#2436)
- Fixed Paperclip Factory not forming when conveyors weren't facing/moving items north (#2404)
- Fixed Orematic Mk2 and Mk3 requiring some blocks being placed in a specific orientation
- Fixed more dupe bugs caused by Cyclic Uncrafting Grinder and Cyclic Sack of Holding
- Fixed Better with Mods Saw no longer working on leaves and melons (#2428 and #2483)
- Fixed Explorer Map now showing for the Cartographer (#2480)
- Moved Galacticraft Battery and Energy Storage Module to stage 4 to allow for the Tier 1 Space Suit to be charged (#2503)
- Move sign recipe to age 0 (#2507)
- Fix Power adapter breaking instantly with no drop (#2478)
- Move Flat Bread to age 0 to match Flour (#2508)
- Fix Mekanism Tank clearing recipe giving creative tank in return (#2513)
- Fix Astral Sorcery Rock Crystal Sample not showing in JEI (#1271)
- Fixed missed recipes in ExPlant with it's uranium (#2539)
- Fixed Blood Magic bound tools being able to break in some situations
- Hopefully fix the spawn rate for Imps (#1910)
- Fixed Wither Skulls not craftable with withering souls (#2564)
- Fixed invalid recipe for a few Extra Planet things (#2575)
- Fix Car Mod Yellow Painter using the wrong dye (#2594)
- Fix Diamond Block not having an uncraft recipe back to Diamonds (#2599)
- Fix IE Bottling Machine being staged wrong (#2607)
- Fix Molten Stone exploit with melting Seared Cobblestone (#1673)
- Fix Nether Wart turning into beetroot when breaking the block below it (#1274)
- Fix Netherrack breaking into Low Grade Charcoal from explosions etc (#1941)
- Move the Tinkers Bacon back a stage to allow usage when you have Pig Iron Tools (#2614)
- Remove the Actually Additions Crafting stick in favour for the Extended Crafting version (#2198)
- Allow Leather Cordage to be made in top or bottom slots
- Blacklist Buggy Fueling pad from carry-on
- Blacklist all of PneumaticCraft from Carry-On to prevent crashes (#2651)
- Add missing Gray Wool dying recipe (#2653)
- Fix glue cauldron recipes for pelts being derpy (#2680)
- Fix Tier 4 space suit using Tier 1 armor layer (#2695)
- Fix inconsistency with the Mining Level on Nether Quartz Ores (#1782)
- Fix remove Prismarine variants from the Chisel to force the crafting recipe also fixes dupe issue (#2450)
- Remove recipe for the clay armour as we force another recipe (#1674)
- Fix recipe conflict with cocoa beans turning into dye powder instead of cocoa powder (#2386)
- Fix incorrect tooltip on Tier 4 Rocket Schematic (#1908)
- Fix missing recipe for the pipe pulsar due to the pack not having the assembler table (#2762)
- Staged Skeleton Trap Horses in Age 1 (#1611)
- Add hardness to Reinforced Coke Brick (#2784)
- Updated Privacy Policy
- Experiment 115 now grants all nutrition groups instead of only protein
- Add dying recipes for the Twilight Forest Castle Doors
- Removed the Cyclic conveyors as they are not needed and the new ones claims more Ids which we don't want to waste
- Adjusted Aevitas attunement perk and Mineralis ritual to only spawn Geolosys ores
- Added recipes for the Bronze tools added by Pickle Tweaks
- Added recipe for rice dough to the Mixer modular machine (#2447)
- Updated Better with Mods potash recipes so they are more clear
- Allow any Heavy Oxygen Tank to be used in the Oxygen Storage Module recipe (#2479)
- Allow a larger selection of cobblestone slabs for the Kiln recipe (#2482)
- Add a additional 50% drop chance for Wild Dog Pelts from Wild Dogs and also added a higher drop rate with Looting
- Added upgrade recipe for the Primal Chest Advanced to a Minecraft Chest
- Added Startlight Transmutation for Kepler Iron and Copper to Inferium and Prosperity Ores (#2514)
- Updated Desh Ore advancement to trigger on Unrefined Desh as well as Desh Ore for those that don't use silk touch (#1516)
- Add recipe to decompress arrow bundle (#1391)
- Added a recipe to turn Mud Clumps into Wet Mud blocks (#1551)
- Added Flame String to the String Ore Dictionary (#2628)
- Added recipe for the Quark Trowel in stage one
- Added recipe for the Blood Magic Crystal Cluster (#2112)
- Added grinding/crushing recipe for the Prismarine Block (#2657)
- Added recipes from the TiC drying rack to the Industrial Drying Unit (#2721)
- Added tooltips to Space Suit so players are aware of how to charge them
- Added tooltip to BWM Hibachi telling players to use a redstone signal to light
- Crafting the Tier 1 Space suit now yields a fully charged version
- Added a recipe to the ArcFurnace for Glass Panes using Pile of Sand
- Adjusted the cost for making Steel in the ArcFurnace (#1796)
- Added recipes to the ArcFurnace for Redstone Alloy and Modularium (#2437)
- Added more blocks to be classed as sealable for GC thanks to @Iorce! (#2764)
- Added Charcoal Block recipe to the Crystallizer (#2791)
- Changed the size of the Bit Bag by x4
Mod's Added[]
- Aroma Backup (
- Aroma Core (
- Needed for Aroma Backpack
- Construct's Armory (0.0.21-rc1)
- Armor add-on mod for Tinkers' Construct
- SevTweaks (0.1.0)
- Custom mod to allow more integration with mods in the pack.
Mod Updates[]
- Forge:
- Actually Additions (r135)
- Advanced Mortars (1.6.21)
- Antique Atlas (4.4.9)
- The Biome id fix from 4.4.8 wasn't actually merged. This was fixed.
- B.A.S.E (3.7.2)
- Fixes crash when invalid items are fed
- Bedrock B Gone (5.0-b8)
- Fixed Better Bedrock's Itemblock not registering correctly
- Better With Addons (0.41)
- Fixes a crash where BWA has been using a deprecated slipperiness method for months.
- Better With Mods (2.1.24)
- Fix server crash with HCFurnace tooltips.
- Greatly optimize the kiln, saw and turntable recipe handlers.
- Improve syncing of progress bars in UIs.
- Fix dupe with Filtered Hoppers.
- BiblioCraft (2.4.4)
- BnBGamingCore (0.8.0)
- Added Module for next Triumph update
- BNBGamingLib (11.2)
- Script parser now properly reads hexadecimal values
- Bonsai Trees (1.0.5-b77)
- Improvement: Skip loading tree shapes of unregistered trees saving a bit of memory
- BuildCraft: Builders (7.99.17)
- BuildCraft: Core (7.99.17)
- BuildCraft: Factory (7.99.17)
- BuildCraft: Robotics (7.99.17)
- BuildCraft: Silicon (7.99.17)
- BuildCraft: Transport (7.99.17)
- Carry On (1.9)
- Fixed a common issue where some blocks could not get picked up
- CD4017BE Library (6.2.4)
- Added opaqueness feature to block covers
- Added improved FakePlayer implementation
- Chisels & Bits (14.17)
- Special case air when determining colors, to prevent crashing when another mod registers their color handler for air.
- Client Tweaks (3.1.8)
- Torches will only be placed via right-click now if the offhand slot is either empty or also a torch tool
- Connected Textures Mod (
- Compact Machines (3.0.12-b215)
- Try to avoid crashing when rendering TE in machine view. This fixes e.g. crashes with PneumaticCraft and other mods.
- Cyclops Core (0.11.6)
- Cyclic (1.15.8)
- Tweaked item models for Torch Launcher, Randomizer, and Auto Torch.
- Upgraded cable models.
- Export cables now connect and pump out on all sides.
- Exchange Scepters updated to be compatible with GameStages, and working in off-hand.
- Storage Sack will now auto-close if it leaves your hand for any reason.
- Storage Sack can no longer be opened in the off-hand.
- Fix compatibility with Block Placer and Better With Mods mini-blocks.
- Fixed Wireless Receiver not dropping as a block when it gets mined.
- Fixed a dupe exploit related to Player Interface from AA.
- Brush Scythe now more compatible with special block drops (such as causing plant fibers from Primal Core now drop from grass with scythe).
- Fixed hydrator mismatching some ore dict entries (such as Biomass recipe not working).
- Fixed block transparency bug with Moon Phase Sensor.
- Greatly reduced tick lag from cables when they are empty.
- Dark Utilities (1.8.210)
- Fixed some blocks allowing torches to be placed on them when it shouldn't.
- Dung Pipe (1.2)
- Ender Storage (
- Environmental Tech (2.0.11a)
- Fixed Lightning rod spamming console with energy gen values.
- Fixed Lenses not working properly.
- Extended Crafting (1.3.7)
- Fixed combination crafting ignoring NBT
- Fixed some shaped table recipes showing incorrectly in JEI
- Added an indicator to JEI categories for table recipes with required tiers
- Moved the shapless icons in in the table crafting JEI categories
- Fixed the progress arrow in the Ender Crafter gui being incorrectly located
- Fixed combination crafting not accepting items with NBT tags when no tags are set for an input item
- Fixed lighting issues with some blocks
- Fixed items with NBT not working in combination crafting recipes that don't require it
- Fixed the Automation Interface outputting only stacks of 1 when auto crafting
- Fixed the Automation Interface ignoring NBT when outputting during auto crafting
- Extra Planets (0.3.8)
- See: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/extraplanets/files/2564038
- Farming for Blockheads (3.1.17)
- Farseek (2.3)
- Fast Workbench (1.5.0)
- Contains a compat fix for a mod interaction bug between FW, RealBench, and AA.
- Forge MultiPart CBE (
- GameStages (1.0.86)
- Geolosys (1.9.2)
- ADDED: Ore-swapping: replaces other mod ores with Geolosys ones after they've generated (like for Twilight Forest).
- ADDED: Compatibility for Astral Sorcery's Infused Crystal Pickaxe.
- FIXED: Various crashes with field manual.
- FIXED: Dimension Blacklisting issues with custom entries
- Hwyla (1.8.26-B41)
- Don't attempt to render the overlay if the tooltip is somehow null.
- Add a config to render current state values in the tooltip.
- Reduced network usage by the villager handler.
- Horse Power (
- Added needed area visualisation when placing HP blocks
- Fixed not using correct item for jei catalysts, issue with itemstages
- Immersive Tech (1.3.10)
- Fixed BlockITMultiblock.getPickBlock() null pointer issue
- Improved Backpacks (
- Fixed duplication glitch
- Open backpack hotkey now works for Baubles slot
- Backpack in Baubles slot now shows on you (you definitely should check out chestplate backpack combined with baubles backpack)
- Industrial Foregoing (1.9.2-173)
- Black Hole Tank Block now changes color depending of the fluid it contains
- Black hole unit extract button now respects stack sizes
- Mob Crusher and Mob Slaughter Factory do same amount of damage
- Improved fluid handling
- Improved tank color handling
- Mob duplicator and Animal Sewer shouldnt waste power anymore
- Fixed Enchantment Extractor not splitting enchanted books
- Tree fluid extractor no longer resets progress when the wood is broken
- Inductive Logistics (1.2.3)
- Pipe model parts and contents hidden under opaque covers is no longer rendered (the server won't even send update packets for them) for performance improvement.
- Item Placer crash with vanilla blocks that have GUIs.
- Pipe connection issues with immersive multiblocks and potential other TileEntities that take time to initialize after load.
- Fixed div / 0 crash when Portable Autocrafter tries recipes with empty stacks as result
- Fixed server & client thread race condition on 'RECURSION' flag in Overflow Trash
- Integrated Dynamics (0.11.12)
- Fix incorrect regex_groups operators output type.
- Just Enough Items (
- KleeSlabs (5.4.10)
- Mekanism (
- MJRLegends Lib (1.1.4)
- Modular Routers (3.1.5)
- Fix item dupe with Dropper/Flinger in some circumstances.
- ModTweaker (4.0.12)
- Mystical Agriculture (1.6.10)
- Added PneumaticCraft crops: Compressed Iron
- No Recipe Book (1.2.2)
- Overloaded (0.0.52)
- Multi-Tool now gives better error message when unable to break / place
- PrimalCore (0.6.56)
- Fix Barrel Crash with FBP
- Fix Side sensitive Capabilities for Cauldron and Fish Traps
- Primal Tech (0.3.3)
- Added overlooked world side check - should stop fire sticks spamming the server with packets.
- PneumaticCraft: Repressurized (0.6.6-192)
- Fix: crash when crafting Speed Upgrades in some situations.
- Fix: Gas Lift now works with infinite fluid blocks such as Better With Addons Aqueducts.
- Fix: crash when right-clicking some PneumaticCraft blocks with other mods' wrenches
- ReAuth (3.6.0)
- Reborn Core (
- Reborn Storage (
- Fix IO port lag
- Add IO Port
- Add IItemHandler capability to TileMultiCrafter
- Redstone Flux (
- Refined Storage (1.5.34)
- Allow crafters to be daisy-chained.
- Empty patterns can no longer be inserted in the pattern result slot in the Pattern Grid with hoppers.
- Added OR search operator to the Grid with "|".
- Rustic (1.0.5)
- Possibly fixed some bugs
- RebornCore (
- Scannable (
- Fixes potential crashes/issues due to some mods still using null instead of ItemStack.EMPTY.
- Disable debug logging of failed item lookups by default, add config to allow enabling it. Fixes potential timeout when first
- SevTweaksNPC (0.0.4)
- ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Simple Generators (2.0.11a)
- Steve's Carts Reborn (
- Fixed fluid manager not moving on when constantly using up the carts tanks.
- Rail remover fix for activator block.
- Fixed usage of wrong resize method for aabb, fixed recipe for cart assembler.
- Streams (0.4.4)
- Tinkers Construct (
- Implement a FastWorkbench approach in the Crafting Station. This should help with big modpacks with lots of recipes
- Fix faucets trying to drain from the wrong side
- Several smaller fixes/changes that got lost in translation
- Try to impliment FastWorkbench
- Tinkers' Tool Leveling (1.0.5)
- Fix a rare crash when having a level up at the same time as dropping your weapon.
- Toast Control (1.6.0)
- Triumph (1.13.0)
- Added support for new Better Advancements options
- Twilight Forest (3.7.424)
- See: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/the-twilight-forest/files/2561393
- ValkyrieLib (2.0.11a)
- Wawla - What Are We Looking At (2.5.257)
- Fixed horse speed and jump strength not showing. #93