3.0.2 has been released on March 27, 2018 for SevTech: Ages.
Bug Fixes[]
- Changed the Aquamarine, Vanilla Chest, Necronomicon, Prospector, Furnace, Weirding Gadget, Crafting Table, Chopping Block, Channels, Stone Anvil, and Plumbline Advancement to trigger on Pickup rather than the ore block break or needing to craft the item
- The Apple advancement should now trigger when you have the item in your inventory
- Disable F3 Spawn Chunk information
- Fix "Not repairable" tooltip from disappearing once the item is damaged
- Removed some default recipes for Abyssalcraft statues
- Disable Sphalerite (Geolosys Zinc) ore from spawning
- Fixed Baykok advancement - Players that have it already will need to run `/gamestage add PlayerName baykok`
- Moved the Iron Chisel back to stage two from one
- Animals will no longer flee when placing or breaking a block. They will, however, flee when you kill another animal near them
- Removed Signs from Carry-on due to issues with broken textures and resetting NBT data
- Removed Item Frames from Carry-on due to... issues
- Added a few more pieces of information in tooltips or advancements to help out stuck players
- Added Geolosys Gold Ore to the Prospectors list
- Increased Rock Crystal and Osmium minimum Y level to 3 so it does not get surrounded by bedrock
- Coal has been moved back up to minimum Y48. Note, all existing generation can still potentially be as low as Y8. New generation will be correct
- The temporary fix that allowed an exploit with certain dyes has been mostly removed. Also, Dung and Wither dust are no longer in the ore dictionary for dyes and will not show up in recipes
- Astral Sorcery Illumination Powder and Starlight Crafting Altar recipes should now work correctly
- Added a dye crushing recipe for Cocoa powder
Mod Updates[]
- Updated to Forge
- Updated HWYLA to fix the incorrect block being reported in the tooltip (1.8.25-B40_1.12)
- Updated Smooth Font. The mod has decreased its RAM usage (1.12.2-1.13)
- Updated OreStages to allow placing on "hidden" blocks again (1.12.2-1.0.25)
- Updated Power adapters to fix a crash when certain power types were missing (1.12.2-1.0.6)
- Updated Together Forever which should fix its issues in LAN environments (1.12-1.0.5-11)
- Updated Item Stages. There is a new message for Restricted items that is a bit more clear so players don't mistake it as a bug any longer (1.12.2-1.0.31)
- Updated Immersive Petroleum to fix the lack of GUI's in the last update (1.12.2.-1.1.9)
- Updated Triumph to allow for multiple functions to be run on an advancement (fixing some advancements not triggering stages or rewards) (1.12.2-1.9.0)
- Updated KleeSlabs "Fixed air blocks being considered slabs, causing random slab generation while breaking air (1.12.2-5.4.8)
- Updated Primal Tech to fix issues with fire stick crafting and kilns lagging on servers (0.2.99)
- Updated Integrated Dynamics (1.12.2-0.11.9)
- Updated Carry-on to fix duplication exploits (1.12.2 v1.8)
- Updated Toast Control to latest version (1.12.2-1.4.1)
- Updated Foamfix to latest version (0.9.5-1.12.2)
- The Better Advancements update to stop the background from going dark when mousing over an advancement had to be put on hold because of a server crash. Hopefully, it will be ready for the 3.0.3 update
- Content will be included in future updates: More Advancements, Fully implemented Prestige System, etc. The first few updates are specifically focused on bug fixes and major issues that halt game play. Thanks for all the reports so far and thanks for helping to make SevTech awesome!